
Travel with SF Spanish

       Immersive Spanish in Argentina 

                       3-13 April 2025!

   🌍✨ Experience the Magic of Argentina! ✨🌍
Join us for an unforgettable immersive program that will take you on a journey through the vibrant culture, breathtaking landscapes, and passionate traditions of Argentina.
If you are interested, please complete this short form and you will receive the details to register:
                                                                                               Immersion Program to Argentina

Traveling to Argentina?

🌟 Unlock Exclusive Discounts for Your Buenos Aires Stay! 🌟 

                    Check it out! 

Planning your visit to Buenos Aires? We've got a special treat for you!

Contact us, and we'll not only recommend the perfect place to stay but also connect you with an exclusive discount for your accommodation. It's our way of making your trip extra special!

Don't miss out on this fantastic offer—get in touch now and enjoy a discounted stay in the heart of Buenos Aires!

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Acostarse to go to bed

Afeitarse to shave oneself

Apurarseto hurry up

Arrodillarse to kneel down

Bañarseto take a bath

Darse vueltato turn around

Despertarse to wake up

Dormirse to fall asleep

Ducharse to take a shower

Irse to go away, to leave

Lavarse to wash up (wash oneself)

Levantarse to get up

Meterseto get in (enter something)

Ponerse to put on oneself

Quedarseto stay (to stay put)

Quitarse to take off of oneself

Reirse to laugh

Secarseto dry off (dry oneself)

Sentarseto sit (oneself) down

Sentirseto feel (emotion, illness)


Asustarse = to be frightened.

Callarse =to be silent, keep still

Desayunarse = to have breakfast

Enojarse = to get angry

Equiviocarse =to be mistaken

Irse = to go away

Marcharse = to go away

Levantarse = to get up

Llamarse = to call or be named

Pasearse = to take a walk

Ponerse = to put on

Quedarse = to remain

Quejarse = to complain

Sentarse = to sit down

Pararse = to stand up

Enfermarse = to get sick

Curarse = to get well

Escaparse = to escape oneself.



La mayoría de los días yo me despierto a las seis y media. Yo me levanto de inmediato, me puse ropa.  y dejé Marshall exterior. Después cuido Marshall yo desayuno. Yo me ducha y afeito. Si conduzco al trabajo, trato de no enojarse, pero que es difícil a veces. Yo prefiero ir en bicicleta.


Pasado fin de semana en pasado yo visite mis padres. Nosotros nos levantamos a las cinco y media. Viven en las montañas de Colorado, en un lugar muy remoto. Nosotros caminamos al perro.  Se sentaban y, a menudo se quejan de la política. Pensamos diferente, creo que están equivocados. Yo no me enojo. Yo creo que políticos es entretenimiento gratuito para algun

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